A World Of Creativity

Give your kid, the best
The good start make your kid better future. The Happy kids Schools does it very simple.

Our Programs



Teacher Training

Play Group


At Happy Kids Academy, we know that, “All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy”. The importance of play and fun in learning cannot be over-stressed. That is why, we provide play group and montessori classes for your kids.


Every activity in life, plays an important role in development of kids. Academic activities are an essential part of life and helps in enhancing learning process of students at school. We happy kids, organize MID BRAIN ACTIVATION, QUANTUM READING, DMIT, ABACUS – BUD BLOSSOM LEVEL, VEDIC MATHS, and PHONICS programs.

Teacher Training

At Happy Kids Academy, we also provide training and certification for the young teachers who want to change the lives of children.

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